PARACHUTES / Personnel Military Systems

Airbone Troop


The C400 is the most advanced parachute system to be used in big aerial platforms with high drop speeds such as the C-130, the C-17 or the A400M. Its polyconic main canopy 45-foot diameter allows the use up to 150 knots with a rate of descent of 4.92 meters per second with 185 kg suspended weight. Its reserve assembly includes the pre-installation of the newest Automatic Activation Device AAD SLS CYPRES 2 for static line parachutes.


TP-2Z Main Parachute Assembly makes up the latest development of a new generation of round parachutes to respond to the more specialized tendencies found in operational mission requirements.


The RTP-26Z Reserve Assembly makes up the latest development of a new generation of round reserve parachutes and responds to the new tendencies and requirements.